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colorlab tierrasal, a first-class salon located in Downtown Los Angeles

specializing in color

Whether you want to achieve a bold new look or breathe fresh life into your current color, colorlab tierrasal has you covered. Using a proprietary mix of low volume lighteners, ammonia-free coloring, and non-toxic treatments, Juvencio maximizes the color application while minimizing damage to achieve soft and natural highlights that look effortlessly distinct.

innovative cuts

No matter how big or small the look, colorlab tierrasal takes consideration with every strand and lends new meaning to "cutting-edge" style.  Clients trust Juvencio's decades of experience with cuts that flatter their features and fit their lifestyle.

individual care

At colorlab tierrasal, each client is unique.  Juvencio knows there is no cookie-cutter style or color that works on everyone and he is dedicated to providing his clients with distinctive, custom looks that uphold their image and individuality.


548 S Spring St #101
Los Angeles, CA 90013